You may have noticed that we are in the midst of a large construction project. Funded by a Capital Campaign supported by current and past church members, friends and extended family, we are building an addition on the back of the church that will make both main floors fully accessible for all who have mobility challenges. The ultimate goal of our “Accessibility Project” is to better allow this church to be a conduit of God’s hospitality to the congregation and community at large for present and future generations.
This addition will have a street level entrance on Willowdale Road, an elevator to each floor, two new ADA compliant restrooms, new church offices, and a new stairway from top to bottom, plus a welcoming back porch. We are very excited that, after many years of planning, our addition will be completed in the Spring of 2025.

Accessible Addition Project Update – February 2, 2025
We’re getting there! Walls have been insulated and sheetrock is going up. The electrician’s work is progressing too. Exterior trim and siding will continue as soon as weather permits.
Pray with us – Please join us in praying for this project. You can post your prayers or a pertinent Bible verse on our beautiful Accessibility for All prayer wall in Fellowship Hall. Or send them via email through our Admin., Charlotte, at
“Dear Lord, with your guidance we have come so far, and we are so grateful. As Easter approaches, we pray that our elevator will be delivered and installed ahead of schedule. We ask that you continue to watch over this project and all the workers involved. Amen.”
Funding – Thank you! for staying current or ahead of your pledge payments. So far, at 14 months into collection of pledges, our campaign treasurer reports that about 75% of the total amount pledged has been received. The more funds that can be collected early means the less that the Church will need to borrow before the 3-year pledge payment period is done. If you have pledging or donation related questions, please contact our collector and capital campaign treasurer Margaret Wheeler through the Church office or email her at
Emergency Exits – The primary emergency exits are the two front doors. The secondary exits are on the first floor in Fellowship Hall, two marked windows (orange signs) with step ladders at the ready. This is due to current construction activities that prevent exiting out the back of the Church. Church leadership has many people who are informed and prepared to assist you with exiting in the event of an emergency. Each day during construction NorthPoint makes sure that the building is safe for occupancy.
Project Photos – You can access our folder of Construction photos by clicking here.
We on the Building Committee thank you for your patience as we upgrade our Church!
-Don Black, Bebe Goudey, Tom Hanson, Gary Johnson, Sheila Mitchell, and Halsey Platt